Vintage Twiggy

Miss Twiggy looking cozy in black and white

Miss Twiggy looking cozy in black and white


Well, it’s 12:48AM.  I just finished working (although I took a break to go to an Audubon Society meeting for a couple of hours).  Just for fun, I added up how many hours I’ve worked since Monday morning.  I’ve worked 35 hours so far this week.  I guess that’s not so bad.  But, it looks like I have some longer days ahead of me and I’ll probably be working this weekend.

Miss Twiggy looking a bit like lemonade

Miss Twiggy looking a bit like lemonade

Such is life.

But, in the interest of self-preservation, this is going to be a really short post.

I did a little experiment with Hipstamatic the other day.  Our friend and his dog, Twiggy, joined us for dinner.  Twiggy was lying on our sofa on top of the blanket we use to protect the sofa from the dogs.  Twiggy and the blanket were an almost perfect match.

A more realistic coloring on Twiggy and Sofa, but still a bit yellow

A more realistic coloring on Twiggy and Sofa, but still a bit yellow

I pulled out my iPhone and used Hipstamatic with the Jimmy lens (I think) and tried it with both the color and black and white tintype film.

I wanted to get Twiggy blending into the blanket in color, but for some reason the images all came out more yellow than they looked in real life.  I did not adjust any of the images–these are how they came out of Hipstamatic.

Final black and white version--I didn't notice how she holds her back feet until just now

Final black and white version–I didn’t notice how she holds her back feet until just now